Monday, January 23, 2012


..... Just the simple utterance of letters formed together to produce a sound; the simplest, and yet, most complex of ideas.  A single word, “life” for example, can evoke all kinds of meaning ~ a birth, a flower, the act of “living”, breathing, a heart-beat, and… well, you get the point.  In addition to quilting, I am a closet “writer” and, as most of my friends know, I am an avid fan of anything musical.  I rarely watch a lookey-box and when I do it’s because there is a football game that just has to be “experienced” or a documentary that deserves a look-see.  Even then, I have to “go” someplace to watch it because…. well?  I don’t own a T.V.  Music is my company.  It is with me always and provides more inspiration than I can even begin to describe.  In the area where I live there is live music to enjoy at any given venue on any night of the week and I take advantage of the opportunity to experience as much of it as I can.  There is nothing quite like watching a master pick a guitar and fill the air with the sweet, sweet sound of his (or her) soul.  It takes my breath away… every single time!

In my quilting journey, I’m finding inspiration in lyrics.  When I hear a song that I absolutely love (and there are oh, so many!) I play it over and over until it’s engrained in my head.  I try to play it on the guitar, I sing it, I hum it, I dance around it (thank God no one can hear or see me!!!)  I can’t help it.  It’s something I’ve always done.  I don’t think there is a single event in my life that I can’t tie to a song in one way or another.  I am beginning to paint those songs with fabric and pattern and am amazed at what I’m discovering.  I hope to have some pictures to post next week of my first “real” attempt to do this.  I promise ~ I won’t make you “listen” to anything! :-)

Creativity is a “happy” place and it’s not just a feeling; it’s a living, breathing thing. It doesn’t matter where you find your inspiration as long as you find it somewhere.  It doesn’t always know where you are… sometimes you have to look in the strangest of places.  We all have a creative side and if you don’t know where you creativity lives…. You need to knock on every door until it stares you in the face and says “Welcome Home”.  Sometimes, all it takes is listening to a few simple words.

Life is good on this ‘ol front porch!  Peace, Love & Quilty things!

Huggs ‘n Stitches!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


There are all kinds of people in this world.  We’re all just trying to climb the proverbial ladder one way or another.  Some people are rungs.  They’re steady as a rock and always there to provide a firm foundation so we don’t all come crashing down.  Some people are braces.  They are the ones who have been a rung at some point and know what it takes to hold everything together.  Some people are crashers.  They stand around looking for ways to grease the rungs and provide a path to slippage into the old “crash and burn” pit.  Last, but not least, there are the pushers.  They look for ways to lift us up or help us find a way within ourselves so that we can reach the next step.  If we’re smart… we understand that we’re never finished climbing.  We also understand that at some point it’s time to slow the pace and not focus so much on the climb but rather becoming another part of the ladder; The ones that provide support and growth for others who are trying to make their way to the top just like we are. 

I’ve had to deal with a lot of grease along the way but I’ve also encountered some pretty sturdy rungs and braces and there have been plenty of pushers to provide encouragement and lessons so that I can continue the climb with grace, dignity and self-empowerment. 

I am not one to make “resolutions” at the New Year because I fear the consequences of breaking them.  But this year is different.  2011 was an extremely trying year for me. It was a year full of change, tests, trials, disappointments and heartache.  But for every one of those things there have been twice as many blessings.  I am truly thankful that I am able to do what I love for a living and that I am able to share my passion for my craft with others.  I am thankful that I have so many wonderful friends and more importantly – that they “love me anyway” ‘cause God knows it’s hard to do so sometimes.  I am thankful that I have a loving and supportive family and that I have been blessed with the most wonderful children in the world (IMHO!).  There are so many things that I can’t even begin to list them all.  I am blessed beyond measure.  I’m not quite sturdy enough yet to be a rung or a brace but this year I resolve to be a “pusher”; to do more to lift others up and help them discover their own path to the top.  Opportunity is everywhere if we only take the time to look.  I’m officially “de-greasing” my life and looking forward to kicking some greasy butt out of the way for others when and where I can.

Smile!  Love!  Do a Happy dance!  Stitch!  Create! And…… even if you can’t carry a tune in a bucket ….. Sing Out Loud!!!

Huggs & Happy Stitchin’!  It’s the best therapy in the world!